Non Ionizing Radiation Protection Workshop








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(Πρόσβαση: Περιμετρική έξοδος "Γλαύκος", κόμβος "Κούκου"

Διαμονή στο κέντρο της ΠΑΤΡΑΣ (σύνδεση με ΤΕΙ Αστική γραμμή Νο2)


 15 - 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2019 / 15 - 16 February 2019


ΟΡΓΑΝΩΤΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ:Ε. Κουτσουβέλη, Κ. Κουτσογιάννης, Χ. Κουλούρης, Θ. Μαρής, Γ. Mεσσάρης, Θ. Σαμαράς, Ι. Σεϊμένης

Local Organizer: Andreas Andrikopoulos Msc

All kinds of biological and health effects concerning electromagnetic fields have become a matter of public concern. Radiation Experts are exchaning knowledge and experiences in order to formulate scientific as well as regulation proposals for user, patient and public health protection from NIR radiation sources.

 Θεματικές ενότητες / contents

(Η συμμετοχή είναι ΔΩΡΕΑΝ, όλες οι παρουσιάσεις θα πραγματοποιηθούν

στην Ελληνική γλώσσα και

θα χορηγηθούν πιστοποιητικά παρακολούθησης )


(Η παρακολούθηση της ημερίδας για τους Ακτινοφυσικούς ισοδυναμεί

με 5 μονάδες ΣΕΑ της EΦΙΕ)


Friday 15/2/2019 [15:00 - 20:00]

15:00 Introduction (G. Messaris - HAMP president,

                             V. Triantafyllou - TEI Rector,

                             M. Zamparas - 6th YPE Vice President,

                              Prof G. Panayiotakis - Director of MP Lab Upatras)                           

a. Keynote Speeches

Chair: Theodoros Samaras

15:30 Mechanisms of interaction with living tissue: Cancer treatment applications of EMF radiation

   Warsito Purwo Taruno (CTECH Labs)     

16:00International guidelines and opinions about human exposure to non ionizing radiation (ICNIRP, SCΕΝΙΗR, EU) 

    Theodoros Samaras (SCENIHR)

16:30 Discussion


17:00 Coffee Break .......


b. Safety procedures for Non-ionizing radiation (the role and responsiblities of Medical Physicist)

  Chair: Gerasimos Messaris

  17:30  Ultrasound (Dimitrios Kaolis CAMPBE)

 18:00  Optical radiation safety procedures - Visible light & Lasers (G. Gourzoulidis, Labour Ministry)

 18:30  Discussion


c. Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  Round Table: Evangelos Pappas, Thomas Maris

 19:00   Successfull examples & Funding Opportunities, T. Maris

 19:30   Spin-Off experiences, Fauzan Zidni (CTECH Labs)


Saturday 16/2/2019 [09:00 - 15:00]

b. Safety Procedures for Non-Ionizing Radiation (Continue)

Chair: Gerasimos Messaris

09:00  High Power Laser Secondary Sources and their Medical Applications (M Tatarakis, N. Papadogiannis) [CPPL]

09:40   Microwave radiation & Radio waves (C. Koutsojannis)

Static Magnetic Fields and Radio Waves. Safety issues in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) environments (T. Maris)

10:30  Discussion


d. Medical NIR equipment use & short workshops

 Chair: Charalampos Koulouris

11:00  Estimation of the exhibition of residents of a Greek city
in electromagnetic radiation
, Anastasios Siountas

11:30  Medical equipment developer & manufacturers' Presentantions

              - NIR monitoring systems A. Georgiou [ACTA]

              - Recent MRI Applications, Ms F. Zacharopoulou [SIEMENS]

              - Intelligent Imaging Innovations, N. Giakoumelos [General Electric]

              - Recent developments and trends in State of the Art MR Imaging, P. Mparas [Philips]


12:30 Coffee Break ......


e. Round Table / Debate / Press Conference: NIR and Public Awareness

Chair: Anastasios Siountas

13:00  NIR and Public Awareness: ΝΙR  and  interaction with living tissue (K. Kappas)

13:20  Short presentations /

          - NIR Measurement Protocols, C. Raptis, [COSMOTE]

             - Safe Operation of Mobile Telephony Networks - Assessment of non-ionizing radiation exposure to employees / public, T. Daskalou, [VICTUS  Networks from WIND & VODAFONE]

Our dependence on electromagnetic radiation includes transportation, communication, entertainment and health. Consequently electromagnetic fields interact with inner electromagnetism or tissue structures of living systems such as human beings, promoting at the same time a great interest between biomedical and natural sciences while improving our knowledge to develop new and better diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Medical Physicists participating in a Public Awareness debate promote social health safety.


14:30  Concluding Remarks (HAMP) and Working Groups Formulation (A.Siountas)










HealthPhysics Lab Presentation








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